• At Pitsco, we’re doing our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Click here for more information.



    The rate of change in our global society is unprecedented, and students and teachers require the mind-set, skill set, and tool set to thrive in it. Our scalable resources enable students to practice the future-ready skills they’ll need no matter their path after school – all while integrating STEM disciplines in real-life, practical scenarios.


    Our full-scale programs are developed with a single goal in mind: to ensure students are building the resilience and adaptability required to solve the challenges of the future. What makes us unique is our ability to meet schools where they are and create custom, turnkey solutions that suit their needs, budget, and curriculum requirements.


    Shape Robotics cofounder Moises Pacheco shares his road to success
    February 19, 2020
    In Cleora, OK, student failure begets perseverance, which spawns success
    February 17, 2020
    STEM Learning Ecosystem funds Pitsco materials, fuels students’ dreams
    February 17, 2020